We’ve all been there. As service-based entrepreneurs, we’re inundated with mixed messages like…
I’m dizzy just looking at it.
And trust me, your money goes a lot further with an OBM than a box of color to hide grays. Oh, you caught that, did you? Yes, I said OBM. But I want to lead you to the same answer by first explaining the differences between the two.
An online business manager is your virtual shoulder-to-shoulder business partner. An OBM is going to be in the trenches with you planning and prepping your next move. We’re the delegators (and sometimes doers too! Read this for hacks to hiring your perfect-fit OBM).
An OBM focuses on overall business operations and overseeing projects. We step in when you’re 500% DONE with hustling and need to give your brain a break. You can trust us to help you map out your marketing strategy, implement systems, and manage team members. We are professional jugglers. We won’t drop balls, and we know a thing or two about making sure your other team members don’t either.
A VA is a virtual assistant. These come in more flavors than a Lay’s new chip flavor contest. A virtual assistant is the doer. They will take tasks off your plate. From social media, to Pinterest management, to sending client gifts. Each VA is different from the next. Virtual Assistants are team players, and work best with specific, detailed instructions or guidelines.
In short, OBMs work IN and ON the business, VAs work FOR the business.
Or look at it this way, a VA can report to an OBM so you can focus on the income-producing tasks that only YOU as the CEO can do (I can feel your sigh of relief at the thought of that!).
Take this quick quiz to figure out which you need right now to help scale your small business: Jot down your score on a nearby scrap piece of paper. I know you have one.
If you:
If you have more 1s than 2s you need a VA.
If you have more 2s than 1s, you need an OBM.
What? Surely you didn’t expect me to say otherwise. 😉