I actually wanted to be a vet since I was seven years old.
I’m sure I’m not the only one whose life didn’t pan out the way that you thought when you were young and naive 😉
So you might be wondering…how the heck did you end up as an Operations Manager for online agency owners?
I kept finding myself in business management positions as I got older. Office management for my father’s business at 17, accessories manager at a car dealership where I tripled sales in my first two months, and then at a bank. ⠀
And I was really good at it. But it’s funny how I never really saw the “why” of it until this past year, after losing my job because I had to have hip surgery.⠀
There’s nothing I love more than connecting with people, so let’s get to know each other better! I’ll start by sharing my story so you know how NVious Strategies came to be:
Everything my business stands for, I owe to my father. He and my mom raised me on a farm, and childhood wasn’t easy.
Still, my dad was such a workaholic and I witnessed how he ran his own business.
In 2005, I was but the lowly (*ahem 12-year-old*) girl Friday answering phones at my Dad’s construction company. Exactly 7 seasons of Gilmore Girls later and no closer to the Animal Science degree I wanted, I became Dad’s office manager and a college dropout. However, this was where I got a lot of my values and business acumen.
Fast forward to 2014: Fast cars and more money called my name. AKA Honda. I became the Accessories Manager, responsible for sugary sweet tea talking you into all the upgrades for your new ride.
When I had my daughter, the BIG question arose: Manager or Mom? It was an easy choice.
She needed me more, and I needed less hours. And what’s better than banker’s hours? (Spoiler: Literally anything and everything else.)
2016-2018: I made the decision to go back to school with every intent to leave with a degree and a job prospect lined up. Check & check.
As you can see, I’ve always had to be the “figure it out” girl. But the one thing I could never figure out was why I hated all of my jobs and what on earth was out there for someone like me.
I took a job as a case manager for an equine non-profit, with my sights set on becoming the breeding manager of a large horse farm #DreamJob (or so I thought). Turns out, dream jobs aren’t always what they are cracked up to be!
As I mentioned, I was let go from this job when I informed them of my hip surgery.
I was furious, frustrated, and I didn’t know what I was passionate about anymore. So enter the life coach. ⠀
I told her I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. She started asking me questions like,
“What do you want your days to look like?” and “Who do you want to work with?”
With her help, I was able to see that I wanted to help people who help other people. We looked at my strengths and I wound up with my eyes open to what I could do with them – and that’s what you see from me today!
Today, I get to work with designers and design agencies who want to build a sustainable biz with the smoothest of operations on the backend! I love it because these results mean they can serve their own clients to an even better extent while scaling and avoiding the dreaded burnout. It’s almost like getting to live vicariously through them since they have the creative side, and I have the analytical side.
By focusing on what I’m good at and what I enjoy, I completely changed fields without even knowing it. My past experience wasn’t the smoothest, but it formed what NVious Strategies is and what it stands for today:
You may think you have it all figured out or you’re frustrated because you feel like you don’t. Either way, there is a light at the end of that tunnel – just keep digging! And sometimes, it takes looking at things from an entirely new perspective to see what part of you already knew.⠀
Tea or Coffee? → Tea
Book or Movie? → Book
Covered in dirt or princess in heels? → Gimme the barn!
Clothing store or office supplies aisle? → Office supplies
Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings or Hunger Games or Twilight Series? → Harry Potter triumphs overall!
67 Mustang or 67 Impala → Black Impala named Baby!
Do you relate to this at all? Are you in the discovery stage still, or are you working in your passion + zone of genius now? Let’s get to know each other more on Instagram!